biggest library

Biggest Library in Mogadishu-SIMAD Dhoobaale Library

Dhoobaale library is the largest and the fastest growing and also the biggest library in Mogadishu holding thousands of multi-disciplinary collections based on the University’s curriculum. The main goal is to support the University in its mission “to provide high quality education, research and community services with the commitment of excellence, integrity, and professionalism”.


 Dhoobaale library is experiencing dramatic changes and expansion of service points for better locality, larger space, and easier access to our all customers and stakeholders. Previously approved building projects were get completed and as a result, all faculties operating in Gaheyr campus, including their branch library were moved to a well-furnished 10-story building which was branded as “Town campus”. All of them are now functional and serving there, except the SIMAD library.

The basic functions include acquisition, cataloging, and circulation services. Both centers serve registered students, academic staff, and members of administrative workers with different and multi-resource needs.

 According to the set mission of providing high-quality education, the university is also now geared towards innovation and research. In reflection of this direction, all information resources and services of the libraries are now going to be digitally available. In the last 6 months of this year, the team has been busy in resources organization and management using a proposed system called “IFNOSS”.

 This system has library modules that are quite appropriate and useful to our daily routine. If the application of this system becomes successful with the necessary assistance of its admin staff, and our IT specialists (ICT team) as well, SIMAD Library will then be the first library ever in Somalia that has OPAC (Online Public Access) utility. This means that registered visitors may opt to find resources and services needed through online.

Library use requirement

Before entering the library for use, all visitors are required to register their academic and personal information in the logbook placed over the information counter at the front of the entry. Staff at the information counter usually count and close daily visitors. The record of this activity is then archived for reporting purposes. Based on the logbook data, the registered monthly visitors from different faculties are transformed into figures for reporting manipulation.

In order to attract more visitors and boost resource awareness, SU library administration organizes events such as influential talks, library workshops, Information Literate activities and other programs as such. These programs are done to impact our patrons not only focus reading courses related materials but, also to help them widen their capacity and stimulus to know more diverse knowledge across the universe through the available materials.


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